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The Many Practices of Wellness Bathing

Bathing by definition is 'to cover something in a way that causes a pleasant feeling or appearance.' To immerse our physical bodies into nature is to engage in a complete healing and rejuvenating practice, for nature is our source and our giver of life. To honour the body is to honour the self.  In our apothecary, we create bath soaks that combine bathing in water with bathing in minerals, herbs and essential oils for a complete wellness experience. We bottle nature and charge it with light so that you can honour your body in your own sanctuary.  Wellness bathing can also be free and readily available should you like to seek it out. Here are a few of our favourite ways to bathe.  Water bathing  Bathing...

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Deeper meaning of emotions in the Body

 Image from Pinterest   Emotions are physiological sensations within our bodies, or as many have said ‘energy in motion’. The more embodied, grounded and present we are in our bodies the more we can recognise this as truth.  AN INVITATION Instead of writing this out, I would like you to experience this for yourself. Close your eyes... and visualise what LOVE feels like. Where do you feel this in your body? What does love do to your energy field, does it expand or contract? Now visualise SHAME, where do you feel this in your body? What does the sensation feel like? From these two examples you may be able to feel that emotions resonate on different vibrational levels. Emotions that...

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Preparing for Pregnancy

If you're considering on trying to fall pregnant, here is a little guide written from a naturopathic perspective to help you to tune into your body, and the body of your partner and ensure the best chance of a natural conception. In the pre-conception phase we focus on clearing out any stagnant energy, accumulated toxicity and emotional blockages, as well as a focus on nourishing the body and connecting to the highest light for support throughout your conception.    Cleansing A focus on cleansing the liver in the preconception phase to balance the hormones and clear the toxic load before conception.   Add in liver herbs such as calendula, dandelion and St Mary's Thistle to promote liver detoxification. Our liver tea is also a wonderful...

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Yoni Steams for Fertility

  Yoni steams are a beautiful and simple way to connect with the womb space and realigning the feminine body into its natural state of fertility and creativity. Where cold causes contraction, heat supports opening and releasing. The yoni steam increases circulation therefore stimulates vital blood flow, supporting your womb to release any stagnant blood or energy blockage that may have built up. Yoni Steams can be used for both menstrual regulation and/or promoting fertility.  For fertility Yoni steams help lubricate the membranes of the uterus so that they are more conducive to conception. If you are actively trying to conceive, you can use the Yoni Steam during your pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation, to prepare for conception. Do not steam after possible conception....

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Your Eyes and your Digestive Function

The eye is the gatekeeper for visual perception. It is a powerful sensory organ that holds the map to the rest of your body. Each of us have a completely unique iris and the patterns which make it up tell the story of us. Iridology - reading the eye - is a powerful way to understand what is going on in the body so that we can help to heal it. The Iris is comprised of three main sections: Pupil, Pupillary Zone and Ciliary zone. Refer to the image below  This week we are looking at the pupillary zone and how it’s colouring is connected to the digestive function. We want to begin with digestion as it is central to our health. It relates to...

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